To be successful in your career, you need to learn continuously in a distraction free community

Today’s social media portals are filled with negativity, propaganda, promotions, spam, and even fake people. We are being used by many with vested interests. We manage communities with more than 80,000 engineers and realized that you can learn a lot more and become more productive if you stay away from all these negativities and distractions.

That is why we created an ad-free community platform for real people who want to learn together and become successful. We also encourage members to share knowledge with our unique community learning model. With our unique community learning model, members get a month added to their subscription every time they take a session. This is one of the reasons this is a very active community.

7 Reasons you should join Cloudericks community with an ad-free portal

1 - With the ad-free Facebook-like portal, you can learn along with the community without any distractions.

2 - We have daily Azure community sessions called Daily Azure Connects (DAC) to help you increase your breadth of knowledge.

3 - Community members also have access to different WhatsApp groups for faster interaction and learning together in groups.

4 - Each WhatsApp group has a dedicated 24/7 Zoom meeting that supports all 256 members in a WhatsApp group at a time.

5 - Recordings of previous community sessions are uploaded to the Cloudericks portal considering people from different time zones.

6 - As of now, we have 250+experts already present in our WhatsApp groups and their experiences range from freshers to over around 20 years.

7 - We are also building our own Facebook-like portal on the cloud which will give members a lot of real-world hands-on experience. This project is currently available only to DAC members with Cloudericks.com access.

Communities can bring experts to teach

Apart from community sessions by community members and Trainso's own in-house experts, communities can bring in experts from the industry to teach based on real world experiences without burning anyone's individual pocket. The bigger the community, the lesser amount it will be per training hours. Some trainers may even do it for free as it is for a good cause.

What is DAC & DACC & 4MCEA?

Watch this video from Heartin Kanikathottu that was recorded in 2021 that was later edited to match for 2022, where he explains more about DAC, DACC & 4MCEA. If you need more info, just scroll down and listen to both the founder’s message and also read the FAQs.

After taking up the new job, Heartin has transferred the management to the community itself and is backed by Trainso Training Solutions. In the long term, assuming he gets permission from his employer, he would like to register Cloudericks as a separate non-profit entity. 

If you looking for a structured learning program with guarantees, do checkout the 4MCEA program from Trainso.

Are you happy with our courses and communities

"Do you want to write a testimonial here and help people? Once you complete a course and share a testimonial, you can join a relevant mastermind group with other elite IT professionals."


Founder's Message

Cloudericks community was started by Heartin Kanikathottu, a published author, architect, and tech evangelist. You can listen to this audio message to learn how cloudericks and Trainso came into existence.
After taking up the new job, Heartin has transferred the management to the community itself and is backed by Trainso Training Solutions. In the long term, assuming he gets permission from his employer, he would like to register Cloudericks as a separate non-profit entity.

For part 2 and more details, you may visit the Cloudericks page at Trainso portal.